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  Daily Reading:  I Timothy 6:6 – 9 “Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.   A man's heart deviseth...

Monday, October 14, 2024

Distracted by Discouragement


Daily Reading:  II Samuel 16:1 – 12

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

                                                Joshua 1:9

            Do not be discouraged.  In this world you will have trouble.  For our light affliction.  For which cause we faint not.  Scripture says things like this throughout its pages which cross the span of time from beginning to end. 

There are a lot of things that happen in our daily life that can discourage us.  We should expect trouble to come because we live in a broken world.  In different seasons of life that trouble may look different.  The things that trouble children are generally not the same things that trouble the elderly.  A young man in his teenage years is troubled by school work, first jobs, and friendships.  A man in his twenties is troubled by adjusting to marriage or getting a better paying job.  The things that trouble us are generally the things that matter to us at that time.

            II Samuel 16 tells of David’s encounter with trouble and possible discouragement.  David had been faithful to the Lord but Shimei, a descendant of Saul was troubled by David.  Shimei comes out cursing David, calling names, and throwing stones.  The natural response of most men is to defend ourselves.  In fact, Abishai offers to, “take off his head.”  We have probably desired to figuratively do that a time or two when trouble comes our way. 

David’s response is a life lesson for us all.  “So let him curse.”  He doesn’t defend or correct the man.  In fact, David seems to indicate, by recognizing this man as a Benjamite, that he understands why this man sees it the way he does.  David finishes in verse 12 by considering the possibility that God will reward him for this affliction he is enduring this day. 

When trouble and afflictions come our way for simply following God, maybe it would do us well to not worry about what others are saying or doing, but realize people may see things from a different perspective.  Never allow those possible discouragements to distract you from the work God has placed before you.

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