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Friday, November 1, 2024

Am I a Liar?



Daily Reading:  Romans 13:11 – 14

“let us walk honestly”

            Romans 13:13

            For the most part, you probably do not struggle with lying…at least not outright.  You may choose to be vague or avoid addressing an issue, but those decisions are made to avoid lying openly in conversation and confrontation.  Depending on the circumstances, the avoidance and vagueness can also be a problem, but have you ever paused to consider non-verbal lying. 

            Paul says in Romans 13:13, “let us walk honestly”.  If it is possible to walk honestly, then it must also be possible to walk dishonestly.  In plain terms, it is possible to live a lie.  It is possible for our actions to deceive.  Romans 13:11 tells us our deliverance is coming.  Christ is going to return and we who believe are going to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

            If we are not living like Christ is coming back for us, then we are being dishonest with all who see us and with all who know us!  We are lying to everyone.  We are given a list of dishonest actions by Christians in verse 13.  While you may rule out some items on that list, can you rule them all out?  The list concludes with strife and envying.  We live in a broken society where the entire list is commonplace and accepted.  As Christians, we are often guilty of quarreling and many envy regularly with no thought of it being the dishonest act of a believer.  Our society thrives on envy, and believers are often no different.  It is time to throw out the works of darkness and put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

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