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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Leading in God’s Will

“Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Men are called to be leaders in their homes, churches, and communities, modeling a life of rejoicing, prayer, and gratitude. These three commands in 1 Thessalonians 5 are not optional—they are God’s will for every believer. For men, this means setting the spiritual tone by embodying these principles daily.

Rejoicing evermore means finding joy in Christ regardless of circumstances. Life brings challenges, but when men anchor their joy in the Lord, they demonstrate steadfast faith to their families and those around them. Like the Pilgrims, who endured harsh winters, loss, and hardship, yet rejoiced in God’s provision, we too must cultivate a spirit of joy that leads others to praise God even in trials.

Praying without ceasing calls men to live as examples as we pray through the trials that come our way daily. A man’s prayer life is a testament to his dependence on God. The Pilgrim leaders, such as William Bradford and others, prioritized prayer, seeking God’s guidance in uncharted territory. When men today consistently bring their families and challenges before the Lord, they model trust in God and inspire others to do the same.

In everything, giving thanks demonstrates humility and recognition of God’s sovereignty. The Pilgrims famously gave thanks during their first Thanksgiving, despite their losses, because they saw God’s hand at work. Men are called to lead by example, teaching their families to count blessings and give thanks in all circumstances.

As leaders, men have the privilege of reflecting Christ through joy, prayer, and gratitude. Let us follow the example of those who came before us, anchoring our lives in the Word and setting a godly example for future generations. By doing so, we fulfill God’s will for our lives and lead others into His will for their life.


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