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Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Virtue of Humility


Daily Reading:  Philippians 2:1 – 11

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”

                        Philippians 2:5

            Humility is hands down, the least sought-after virtue of leadership.  Men will seek after boldness and decisiveness.  We will labor to become better communicators.  We will participate in activities that bolster confidence.  We shower ourselves with positions and titles and desire others to recognize our positions and call us by our titles.  We set out ambitiously to find greatness.  Yet, the greatest virtue of a man of God is humility. 

            Consider for a moment the unseen spiritual realm.  On one side, you find Satan.  In Isaiah 14:12 – 14, prideful Lucifer sought to replace God.  Over and over, we read, “I will…”.  How often do we seek to lift ourselves up.  How often do we crave others lifting us up?  How often do we put our needs, wants, and desires ahead of the very ones God has given us the privilege to serve. 

            While we often seek to lift ourselves up or love when others lift us up, Jesus Christ lowered himself.  He, God, became a servant to all mankind.  In fact, the only time Christ Jesus was ever lifted up was His act of total sacrifice on the cross.  It was through His act of total humility that we have new life in Christ offered to us. 

            If we desire Christlikeness, we must genuinely humble ourselves and become obedient to Him.  We must realize, “I am crucified with Christ.”  We must seek to be nothing so that Christ can be everything.  This is true humility!

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