Leadership is More Than Asserting Dominance

  Daily Reading: Daniel 4:1-37 In Daniel 4:1-37 , we find the powerful story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s humbling dream. The mighty king, who...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Contentment is Key


Daily Reading:  Daniel 3:23 – 30

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

                                             Philippians 4:11

               For Shadrach, Meshech, and Abed-nego everything worked out perfectly in their showdown with Nebuchadnezzar when they defied his draconian rule. Not only did they survive the fiery furnace completely unscathed, but their actions served as a powerful testimony to the king which caused him to recognize their faithfulness and more importantly their God. In the end, they even came out ahead by securing a promotion in Babylon.

               The lesson to learn from these young men is not, “obey God and everything will work out perfectly”. Even they knew that was not the case. They had told Nebuchadnezzar God may or may not deliver them back in verses 17 and 18. God never promises us deliverance either and He certainly does not promise deliverance based on our performance although that is a delusion often pedaled in the name of Christianity. In truth, Romans 8:35 -39 teaches us that no matter what happens to us in this life, we already have the victory because nothing can separate us from God’s love found in Christ!

               In these men’s lives we can learn a lesson on the far-reaching effects of contentment. It was contentment that first affected them personally. They were perfectly content to entrust God with their life…or death.  It was out of their contentment that faithfulness was born in them. Their faithfulness would lead them to stand in boldness.  The boldness, born out of faithfulness, born out of contentment impacted all who witnessed it. Everyone saw that God was with them.  Ungodly men saw God at work in the details. Those ungodly witnesses recognized God! Even the ungodly cannot deny the truth all the time. In the end, the contentment of three men would have a dramatic impact on an entire culture. 

Your testimony, which should display contentment in Christ, will have an effect on yourself and others. None of us knows the impact our testimony will have and whose lives will be most affected, but let’s find out!      


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