Leadership is More Than Asserting Dominance

  Daily Reading: Daniel 4:1-37 In Daniel 4:1-37 , we find the powerful story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s humbling dream. The mighty king, who...

Friday, February 7, 2025

Unhinged Man


Daily Reading:  Daniel 3:19 – 23

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

                                    Psalm 2:1

            The world never understands a man fully surrendered to God.  Sadly, often the church does not understand that man either.  At times even a man’s family falls into this same category. Paul reminds us in II Timothy 3:12, "Yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” We are not always prepared for where the persecution will come from. It will come from friend and foe alike in varying degrees of hostility.

            Nebuchadnezzar’s hostility manifested as sheer rage. The unwavering faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego infuriated Nebuchadnezzar. His ultimatum had been clear…bow or burn, and in that moment, these men of God did not even flinch. Their faithfulness exposed the limited power and unlimited pride of the king. His pride could not handle their defiance.

            Blinded by his rage, he began making unrealistic and unreasonable demands.  Seemingly unable to stop him, or maybe sharing his rage, men obeyed and heated the furnace seven times hotter than it was built to withstand. Scripture tells us pride goes before a fall. These men were baking in their own destruction, and they never saw it coming until it was too late!  Nebuchadnezzar’s wants and desires, driven by fury, and coupled with a seat of power destroyed the men around him…those closest to him.

When a man fully surrendered to God is forced to confront men in power who are not, the friction and pressure will most certainly produce heat. Just as the fire did not consume these three men, neither will our trials consume us! Let us be men who have the strength of our convictions when we face the pressure to bow to culture, temptation, fear, or anything that stands against the uncompromising authority of Scripture.

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